What Vitamins are Good for Hair Loss During Menopause?

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The loss of hair during menopause can be the cause of hormonal imbalance as well as vitamin deficiency. This can be countered with vitamin supplements and reduce the chances of hair loss during menopause and to help keep hair healthy.

Hair loss might be caused due to the increase in male hormones in the body. But there are ways in the form of vitamin supplements that will help to keep your hair intact during menopause.

So what vitamins are good for hair loss during menopause? Let’s take a look to get you started.

Why Are Vitamins Good For Hair Loss During Menopause?

The vitamins used in the prevention of hair loss during menopause are all basic and natural ingredients. These vitamins occur widely in quite a wide range of foods and can thus be obtained in a healthy diet.

You only need to adapt your diet to increase the vitamin intake into your body to have a more balanced and healthy body. A well-balanced diet, together with a healthy vitamin supplement, can only be good for hormone balance, even during menopause.

And that will also include the health of your hair, so a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins will help your hair be healthier. Therefore, it is important to change your eating habits when you hit menopause to prevent many problems.

Many different vitamins will help with many various problems during menopause, and it will also make your life much easier. And not just for now but for many years to come after the beginning of menopause.

The following is a list of vitamins that will help fight hair loss during menopause and hormone imbalance.

Vitamin B12

This vitamin will help to balance your hormones while you are in the menopause stage and keep it in check as well. Vitamin B12 promotes healthy hair growth by increasing the production of healthy red blood cells to feed hair follicles.

With vitamin B12 deficiency, hair loss will occur, but with a healthy supplement, it will help prevent hair loss.

Vitamin D

After increasing your Vitamin D intake, it might actually help hair grow back. That is because this vitamin promotes the development and growth of new hair follicles and, therefore, new hair growth.

Evidence suggests that hair loss might completely stop, and it will start to regenerate in a short time with the increase of vitamin D.

Vitamin B6

This vitamin is present in many different types of food, and a well-balanced diet will help to increase the intake of vitamin B6. As a result, this will help to get a more balanced hormone level and help with many different problems.

Vitamin B6 will also help prevent other symptoms in the menopause stage, such as irritability and mood changes.

What Vitamins are Good for Hair Loss During Menopause

Vitamin E

Research has shown that people who experience hair loss might have an improvement in hair growth with an increased intake of vitamin E. This is because the ant-oxidants that are present in the vitamin will help to reduce stress in the scalp.

It will also help prevent the clogging of hair follicles and improve hair growth and the thickening of the hair.

Vitamin D3

This vitamin is a hormone that communicates with other hormones to improve the balance of hormones. This will help decrease the level of male hormones that may cause the loss of hair in the menopause stage.

We get Vitamin D3 from the sun, egg yolks, and some fatty foods such as fish.

H Vitamins

The deficiency of this type of vitamin will improve the chances of hair loss while you are in the menopause stage. This vitamin takes part in the protein and fat metabolism and will help prevent hair loss and greasy hair.

In its free form, it can mostly be found in milk and many different types of vegetables that help form a healthy diet.

Vitamin A

This vitamin is responsible for providing moisture to the hair and resistance from being fragile and easy to break. If you have a shortage of this vitamin in your body, it might lead to hair loss during menopause and any other time.

Vegetables and fruits are a high source of vitamin A, and a healthy and balanced diet will help increase the intake of this vitamin.

Vitamin C

To keep your hair healthy and strong, you need to have a good level of vitamin C in your body at all times. Vitamin C helps create the protein that is known as collagen, an essential part of the hair structure.

It would help if you increase your Vitamin C intake during menopause so you can have a healthy production of that protein.


As you can see, there are many vitamins that will be good for helping reduce hair loss during menopause. A well-balanced diet is key during this stage of your life for many different reasons, including hair health.

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