Can Menopause Make you Feel Nauseous?

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Menopause can cause women to feel an extensive range of symptoms, such as hot flashes, increased stress, high blood pressure, mood swings, insomnia and even depression. However, one extremely unpleasant symptom that many people do not realize is commonly associated with menopause, is nausea.

Why Does Menopause Cause Women To Feel Nauseous?

During menopause, women undergo a change in their hormone levels. This change is the reason for the nauseous feeling that a large number of women suffer from during this stage in their lives. It is very similar to how a pregnant woman feels morning sickness. During pregnancy, a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate, which brings the feeling of nausea. During menopause, levels of progesterone are deficient, which also causes nausea.

Home Remedies

One of the first ways in which you could improve your symptoms of nausea is by looking after your digestive system. Avoid eating unhealthy, fatty and oily foods. Spicy foods have also shown to have a negative impact on nausea. The best option is to eat small portions of very plain food, such as crackers or cereal, throughout the day.

Ensuring that your blood sugar is at a balanced level is very important. If you have low blood sugar, it is more than likely contributing to your nausea. You can quickly raise your blood sugar level by ingesting sugary products, such as a bag of sweets or a soda. Your doctor could also administer glucose tablets, which work a lot quicker and have a much longer effect than any sugary foods.

A breath of fresh air can often solve many problems and nausea from menopause is no different. If possible, avoid sitting in stuffy and hot rooms as this setting will more than likely make you feel sicker. Go outside, get some fresh air, and focus on taking long, deep breaths. This should help ease your nausea or, at least, get your mind off of it so that you can make it through your day.

Can Menopause Make you Feel Nauseous

Conventional Remedies

If you tried home remedies and none of them worked for you, it may be time to try conventional solutions. It is very important that you consult with your doctor before taking any medications, as not all treatments will work for you.

The most common conventional remedies administered for nausea caused by menopause are antihistamines and steroid treatments. Again, these medications could be very strong and might not work for your body, making it very important that you do your research before using them.

Herbal Remedies

If you are in the very early stages of menopause and suffer from feelings of nausea, try using Agnus castus. These drops are used by many women and have been praised for the results that they produce. Not only do they assist in relieving nausea and improving your sleep, but they also leave you feeling happier and more relaxed.

Another herbal remedy that has received high praise is soya isoflavones. You can buy a variety of different supplements that contain this extract from your local pharmacy. Isoflavones are substances derived from plants that have a weak estrogen-like quality. They are reported to have a large number of health benefits, including easing nausea and promoting bone health in women with menopause.

Try eating or drinking ginger. It doesn’t sound very appetizing, but ginger is commonly used to help with nausea. In fact, several studies agree that ginger can be used as a weak anti-nausea medication and is most effective in situations when the nausea is caused by hormone changes.

However, it is important to note that ginger can lower your blood sugar level, which, as mentioned previously, can cause you to feel more nauseous. To prevent this, make sure that you ingest no more than 1.5 grams of dried ginger per day. You could crush it up, take a bite out of it, or even make a drink with it.

Citrus fruit, such as lemons and oranges, help in reducing feelings of nausea during hormone changes. However, instead of eating them, cut a slice and inhale the citrusy smell. You could also use a vial of lemon essential oil, which is a popular and practical alternative.


So can menopause make you feel nauseous? Yes. During menopause, a woman’s hormone imbalance can cause her to feel nauseous. There are many things that can be done to relieve this nausea, including home, conventional, and herbal remedies. Looking after your digestive system and maintaining a balanced blood sugar are examples of home remedies. Agnus castus and soya isoflavones are types of herbal products that could assist in easing your nausea.

Antihistamines and steroid treatments are conventional remedies that can also be used. It is always advised that home and herbal remedies be tried before turning to the more potent conventional remedies, as they may have a negative impact on your health. You should also consult with your doctor before purchasing conventional treatments as not all medications will suit your body.

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